Next PTC meeting is Monday November 7th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
La próxima reunión del Club de Padres es
el lunes 7 de noviembre de 6:oopm a 7:30pm
What do we do? – ¿Qué hacemos?
The PTC conducts fundraisers to help pay for classroom assemblies, in school and after school activities, field trips, artist in residence, and classroom technology. The PTC also helps plan and provide volunteers for in school and after school activities including health screenings.
El Club de Padres realiza recaudaciones de fondos para ayudar a pagar por asambleas, actividades en la escuela, excursiones y tecnología en los salones. También ayuda a proveer voluntarios para actividades dentro y fuera de la escuela.
We will be holding several fundraisers throughout the year to allow us to hold Family Fun Day and have our All School Field Trip. Some times and dates are still up in the air, however, we want to let you know what they are. Please remember that this may change throughout the year.