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Kinder & 1st grade Interviews and Orientation

Posted on: September 11, 2020


Hello South Shore Kinder and First Grade Families,

We are excited to have you and your child come in for interviews and orientation next week! We are so glad to have this opportunity for you and your child to meet the teacher in person and get a sense of what school will look like this fall. 

Please know that health and safety is a priority for us. We want to keep all staff, students, and families safe during this pandemic. 

If any of the following apply to you and your child, please do not come to the building. Instead, please make arrangements to have your child’s interview/orientation completed virtually..

  • Have you or your child experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 10 days?
  • Has any household member experienced symptoms in the past 10 days?
  • Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 10 days?
  • To the best of your knowledge, have you been within 6 feet of anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks?
  • Have you or anyone in your household been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting test results?

Symptoms of Covid-19






When you come to school, there are a couple of things that we need to ensure: 

  • Physically distancing of 6 feet between you and other students/families
  • Everyone must wear a face covering that covers their mouth and nose
  • Screening students and families for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the building
  • Hand sanitizing upon entering the building 

All of this may feel uncomfortable to you and your child. Please know that we will do our best to warmly welcome students. 

Marcy Beltran


Virtual Open House

Posted on: September 10, 2020

Want to meet some South Shore teachers? Check out the Virtual Open House. Click on the link below.

¿Quieres conocer a algunos profesores de South Shore? Echa un vistazo a la Open House Virtual. Haga clic en el enlace.


Virtual Open House



Zoom Meeting for Parents/ Junta de Zoom para Padres

Posted on: September 10, 2020

Familias de South Shore,
En primer lugar, quiero agradecerles a todos por ser pacientes y comprensivos mientras planificamos el regreso de sus hijos. Tendremos una junta informativa por Zoom para repasar información y responder algunas preguntas comunes que pueda tener antes de comenzar el año escolar.
Junta: jueves, 10 de septiembre a las 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 928 8052 7699 Passcode: SouthShore  

Repasaremos lo siguiente:
~ Nivel de grado y asignaciones de maestro
~ Horario de clases
~ Fechas y horas de recogida de material
~ Usando el código QR para iniciar sesión
~ Y responder preguntas que provengan de este formulario

Les pido que apunten en este formulario cualquier pregunta que puedan tener. Intentaremos responder todas  las preguntas comunes que sea posible.

Marcy Beltran

South Shore Families,

I want to first thank all of you for being patient and understanding as we plan for the return of your children. I will be hosting an informational Zoom meeting to reveiw information and answer some common questions that you may have prior to beginning the school year.

Zoom Meeting: Thursday, September 10 @ 6:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 928 8052 7699 Passcode: SouthShore  

We will go over the following:
~ Grade level and teacher assignments
~ Class schedule
~ Material pick up dates and times
~ Using Clever QR code to log in
~ And answer questions that come from this form

I ask that you please submit any questions you may have. We will try to answer as many common questions as possible.

Marcy Beltran

Submit questions.




Bienvenidos / Horario de Estudiantes

Posted on: August 31, 2020

Familias de South Shore,

Bienvenidos a un emocionante nuevo año escolar. Este año será un año que nos enseñara a usar la tecnología en maneras nuevas e interesantes. Me gustaría tomar un momento para darle las gracias a todos los padres, miembros de la comunidad, y nuestro personal por
todo su arduo trabajo para asegurar que nuestros estudiantes se sientan seguros, protegidos y apoyados. Estamos comprometidos a trabajar en equipo con nuestras familias para asegurar que nuestros estudiantes sean exitosos durante estos momentos difíciles.
En las siguientes dos semanas, nuestros maestros trabajarán incansablemente para
prepararse para la educación virtual. Como escuela estamos trabajando arduamente para
darles a los estudiantes una bienvenida a un ambiente positivo de aprendizaje que promueve innovación y creatividad.
Aunque el regreso a la escuela será diferente, creamos un horario que ampliará la experiencia de aprendizaje de su estudiante. El horario permite oportunidades para que los estudiantes estén en contacto con sus maestros y compañeros. Como escuela de lenguaje dual, estamos comprometidos a aumentar la capacidad académica y el dominio del lenguaje de cada estudiante. Los estudiantes tendrán oportunidades de ser apoyados en inglés y español. Espero tener un año productivo.
Favor de no dudar en contactarme con cualquier pregunta que tal vez tenga.

Marcy Beltran
South Shore

Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para ver los horarios de los estudiantes y las expectativas en línea

Horario de otoño 



Expectativas para las reuniones en línea


Welcome Back / Student Schedules

Posted on: August 31, 2020

South Shore Families,

Welcome to a new and exciting school year. This year will be one that will help us learn and use technology in new and interesting ways. I would like to take a moment and pause to thank all of our parents, community members, and our staff for all their hard work ensuring our children feel safe, protected and supported. We are committed to working as a team with our families to ensure that our children succeed during these trying times.
In the next two weeks, our teachers will be working tirelessly to prepare themselves for online learning. As a school, we are working hard to welcome our students into a positive learning environment that fosters innovation and creativity.
Although our return to school will be different, we created a schedule that will maximize your child’s learning experience. The schedule will allow for opportunities for students to engage with their teachers and classmates. As a dual language school, we are committed to growing every students’ academic and language proficiency. The students will be engaged in opportunities in which both Spanish and English language is supported.
I look forward to a productive full year.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Marcy Beltran
South Shore Elementary

Click on the links below for schedules and expectations.

South Shore Elementary Schedule Fall 2020

Online Meeting Expectations